Scrambled Hash and Vegan French Toast
As a kid I loved scramble eggs. So I was happy to know that I could enjoy this tasty breakfast food without the fat, cholesterol, and animal protein that comes with egg consumption. Not to mention the cruel conditions these egg producing feathered friends live under. This Hash Scramble is a step above ordinary Tofu Scramble which I have done in the past. With the added potato and kale, this scramble becomes a hearty load of protein,
carbs(fuel for your body) and
phyto-nutrients that will fill your growing kids or the hungry man (or woman) in your life.
Second on the menu is Vegan French Toast and I never even liked french toast until I started making it vegan. Now I love it. Especially made with Ezekiel 4:9 bread. You will have your choice of a regular whole wheat "Great Harvest" style bread or Ezekiel Sprouted Wheat bread. You can top t

his with either almond butter and real maple syrup or .................
Peaches and Cream - This is the season for peaches and what goes better with peaches then fresh cream!.........made with walnuts! Put this on top of your french toast or enjoy it as a side dish.
Chocolaty Sesame Milk - I've told the story many times about my experience in healing my tooth pain with a sesame seed milk shake. This Chocolaty Sesame Milk Shake is the concoction that took my tooth pain completely away in less than a week. And I've never had the root canal that my dentist told me I needed over 5 years ago! I've wanted to share this recipe for a long time so I figured breakfast was a good place to do it! I don't know that others would have the same experience as I did, but I do know that sesame seeds are one of the riches sources of calcium.
And there you have it! Health for Life Cooking in September. Class dates are Wednesday September 1st, Tuesday September 7th and Tuesday September 14th. Hope to see you in class! April