July 19, 2013
Too hot too cook? Try a Green Hummus Wrap. Ezekiel sprouted wheat tortilla spread with hummus, avocado, and mayo (or my Seed Spread), and mustard. Sprinkle on some chopped celery, shredded carrots, chopped scallions, sliced red bell pepper, garde...n fresh tomatoes, and spinach. This is one of my favorite quick and easy summer time meals. I enjoyed it with a side of steamed broccoli with just a bit of avocado butter mixed in.
Dinner: Lentil Sweet Potato and Kale Tacos
1 onion, 1 clove garlic, 1 cup chopped mushrooms, 1/2 cup bottled green chili's, 1 bunch kale chopped finely. Cook until kale is tender. Add cooked lentils and 1 baked sweet potato that has been cut into cubes. Add some mexican spices and there you have it! Simple and so delicious!
April 11 2014
Dinner: Chic Pea Burgers and fresh from my garden baby beet greens. Chip Pea Burgers recipe is on my recipe page.
Breakfast and lunch were the usual.
January 7: Breakfast - Lemon Ginger Black and Cranapple Salad. No, I never get tired of this!
Lunch: Mexican Salad - 1/2 romainse, 1/2 cabbage, red onion, cherrie tomatoes, avocado, black beans, 1 Tbsp pumpkin seeds, home made cilantro lime dressing, home made salsa. Also had a tiny bit of left over tomato soup. I'll be forever eating this stuff since I've been refining my recipe for my upcoming class.
Dinner: When I got home I had a small handful of almonds. Fixed White Bean Potato Soup w/ broccoli for dinner. Also had a small bowl of tomato soup. For dessert I had some Health for Life Granola. It's like eating a crunchy cookie. Made a batch of Carrot Cake Cookies and didn't taste a one! A New Years relolution is to not eat past 6:30. This way I'll fast for 12 hours every night.
Dr. Furhman recommends this for optimal health.
January 3: My breakfast never changes.
Dinner: Shepherds Pie w/ purple potatoes
Happy New Year!
January 2: The usual morning smoothie and cranapple salad.
Lunch: Mexican salad w/ romain, red onion, tomato, black beans, avocado, 1 Tbsp pumpkin seeds and cilantro lemon dressing., (When I went to make the dressing, I had no lime, so lemon worked)
Dinner: Cruciferous Risotto and Tomato Soup
I'm making both of these for my class this month. I've been refining the Tomato Soup recipe so will have a lot to eat for the next day or two. The risotto and soup go great together!
No more Christmas nut candies so I had a few cashews for dessert.
December 27
I'm happy to report that I've stayed 99.9 % processed sugar free. My brother, who came to visit from southern California, brought a loaf of pumpkin bread that someone gave him. He had a slice and invited me to try some. So I had just a bite. It wasn't even that sweet....or that good. So that was it. I think there was another time that I had a taste of something like that without thinking. But no chocolates or other candies or cookies. Yea! I'm sticking with it for the rest of the year and beyond. It's not to late to join me!
Christmas December 25
Breakfast: Ginger Blast about 7:30 am before heading to my daughters for Christmas festivities. Cranberry Salad about 11 am. A little green salad and a few oven chips and salsa around 2 pm.
Some snacking on a few no-sugar/vegan nut candies and cookies.
I actually did really good about not snacking too much during the day. I wanted to be hungry for dinner:
Christmas dinner: Green Salad w/ the usual veggies and garbanzo beans. Yams, cauliflower mashed potatoes, tiny piece of vegan Pumpkin Pie and Triple Berry Pie. Had a few salty store bought chips while cleaning up. I needed something to cut all the sweet.
Thursday December 20 - The temptations are getting a bit stronger!
Breakfast - Lemon Ginger Blast and left-over apple pie with 3/4 cup of raw cranberries mixed in. The pie is so sweet and the cranberries diluted that sweetness and it was very good! I want to try making a Cranapple Pie!
Treats abound in my office today but I came prepared! After having my cranberry apple pie mixture I had 2 Peppermint Patties that I brought from home. Before lunch I ate a "Cutie" which are tiny little oranges that have no seeds and peel very easy. I've never bought these and have always been leery of them. I'm sure they are genetically modified. They are way too perfect and I swear that I instantly felt a tiny head ache after I ate one. Too buffer the affect of the "Cutie" I had
Lunch: Romaine lettuce salad with purple cabbage, red onion, 1 Tbsp pumpkin seeds, heaping 1/2 cup lentils, tomato (from my garden if you can believe that!! I picked them green and put them in a bag and now they are getting ripe.) Pecan Dijon dressing. I finished off my Christmas goodies that I brought from home which included 2 Christmas Truffles and 2 Cranberry Walnut Cookies. I brought to work with me a treat bag with some chocolate chip cookies that a neighbor dropped by the other day. I'm offering them to my visitors but as they sit here on my desk, I'm tempted to try just a bite.......like I've never tasted a chocolate chip cookie before! I'm 46 and I have had many (too many) chocolate chip cookies in my day and I know what they taste like. They taste like sugar.....and fat. There will be many opportunities in the future to "taste" a chocolate chip cookie so I will pass. Yes I will!!
Dinner: I'm excited to finish up the Lentil and Kale Stuffing with Butternut Squash that was left over from my dinner party the other night. I want to be hungry for that so no more food!
Wednesday December 19
Breakfast: Ginger Blast smoothie (2.5 cups) and Cranapple Salad
Lunch: Romaine salad left over from last night that was left over from Monday night. Added left over steamed broccoli and garbanzo beans to my salad. Pecan Dijon dressing.
After lunch today I peaked at the box of goodies on the front desk at work just to smell it and temp myself. What was I thinking? There are what looks like chocolate covered graham crackers (a childhood favorite!) that smell like mint. I'm guessing they are like Girl Scout Thin Mints. Oh man, those are one of my most favorite cookies! Ever since I smelled them I have been wanting a taste. I can hardly wait to get home and have some of my Peppermint Patties that are in my freezer. They are chocolatey, minty, and so yummy!
Dinner:White Bean Potato Soup (revised from book) - 1 1/2 bowls.
I also heated up some left over Kale and Lentil Stuffing and had a serving with my soup.
Also, 2 cranberry walnut cookies, 2 tiny ginger bread cookies, 2 peppermint patties, 2 carob coconut mounds. Oh dear! That's a lot of goodies.
Tuesday December 18
Breakfast: Smoothie and 1 Braeburn apple about 11 am
Lnnch: Green Salad left over from last night w/ Pecan Dejon and Dilly Ranch Dressing
2 Cranberry Walnut Cookies - I made them and they have no sugar. Just dates, raisins, and juice sweetened cranberries.
Dinner: (Friends over for dinner) Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes, Lentil and Kale Stuffing with butternut squash, Green Salad, Pumpkin Pie and Apple Pie. I made a side of steamed broccoli for the kids since I knew they wouldn't even touch the Lentil and Kale Stuffing.
Monday December 17
Breakfast: Smoothies - Lemon Ginger Blast Cranberry Salad
Lunch: Green salad w/ steamed brussle sprouts, pumpkin seeds, red onion and Dilly Ranch Dressing.
At work there was a box of snacks including some mixed nuts and pistachios. I had about 6 pistachios.
Dinner: Bridge Christmas Party: Green Salad w/ peppers, onion, carrot, cabbage, tomato, olives, cucumber, garbanzo beans and Pecan Dejon Dressing. A little bit of rice pilaf on top of my salad. I had about two bites of some salmon. It was dry, chewy, and I didn't really like it. 2 small helpings of my Raw Apple Pie that I brought. No sugar.
Breakfast smoothie.
Lunch: Cranapple Salad
I was making Date Sugar Cookies and other nuts candies and had a few tastes but did pretty good.
I later had some steamed brussle sprouts with an avocado dip. I love this!
Dinner: Raw food potluck and food demo. I had a taste of most everything. I think one thing that I had may have had some agave or other processed sugar but I only had about 1/4 of a cup. And most of it was raspberries.
Friday December 14
Breakfast: Same
Lunch: Green Cabbage Coleslaw with chopped red onion and Dilly Ranch Dressing. The last couple of days I've had a touch of a head ache and havn't felt myself.....like maybe I was coming down with something. I don't know if it was in my head but after eating this salad, my headache went away and I felt a little better. About an hour later I had a Braeburn Apple. BTW, I bought 1 20# box of organic Fuji's and 1 20# box of organic Braeburn apples for just over $20 each. They were 19.99 a box plus about 15% for shipping. Great deal through Azure Standard for organic apples!
Dinner: Ultimate Minestrone Soup w/ Sesame Parmasan
I made a batch of Nutty Chocolate Cookies for hubby to take to work and I only had a couple of tastes while making them. They have no sugar. Just raisins and dates.
Thursday December 13
Breakfast was the same and Lunch was a repeat of yesterday - Taco Salad
One of the trucking companies that delivers to the college receiving dock where I work brought a tin of Danish cookies for Christmas. I've never liked these so they wont be a temptation.
Dinner: 3 Kale and Black Bean Tacos. These are absolutely my favorite quick and easy very high nutrient meal. This recipe is in my book Whole Food Goodness. If you haven't tried them yet, don't be afraid. They are amazingly delicious! I've added onion and mushrooms to the recipe.
My daughter and her family came over to celebrate her birthday. She asked me to make some nut based vanilla and chocolate ice cream. So we had that for dessert.
Wednesday December 12
Breakfast was the same. Lunch was a green romain salad with green baggage, 1/4 avocado, 1/2 T pumpkin seeds, cilantro lime dressing and about 1 cup of left over chili mixed in the salad with some extra seasonings. This was very good! Taco salad!
Dinner was Chic Pea Rice Casserole and 4 Chunky Monkey Pumpkin cookies.
Tuesday December 11
Today was an exact repeat of yesterday:
Monday December 10
Breakfast: This will probably be my breakfast for the rest of the year. Lemon Ginger Blast green smoothie and Cranapple Salad. I eat these about 3 hours a part. For the smoothie blend until smooth: 1 T sesame seeds or flax seeds, about 1/2 cup water, 3 small pitted dates, 1 lemon peeled, 1 apple, 1 handful of spinach, 1 kale leaf, 1/4 tsp ginger, dash of cayenne pepper. Salad is 1 apple, 1/2 cup raw cranberries, 1 - 2 T raw walnuts, 3 small pitted dates, a few shavings of green cabbage.
Lunch: Romaine lettuce salad with red cabbage, tomatoes, 1/2 cup pinto beans, 1 T pumpkin seeds, 1/4 of an avocado diced, cilantro lime dressing and Kenny's Famous Salsa. This salad needed some red onion. That will go in tomorrow. This salad was so simple it took me very little time to make and it was so yummy!
Onions, garlic, mushrooms, green chilis, broccoli, corn, mexican seasonings, pinto beans, and black beans topped with avocado.
Perfect for a cold winter night.
Then 4 small Chunky Monkey Pumpkin cookies for dessert.
Friday November 2, 2012
My morning smoothie lately has been this: 2 Tbsp sesame seeds, (have the most calcium of all foods!) 1/2 walnut (reduces inflammation by 50%!) 1 Valencia orange, hand full of spinach, 1 kale or collard leaf, 1 - 1 1/2 cup Anti Oxidant blend berry mix from Costco. The sesame seeds give this just a bit of bitterness but I've learned to love it! This smoothie only has about 300 calories and does not hold me over until lunch so I've been having my Cranberry Relish for mid morning snack: 1 small apple, 1/2 cup cranberries, 1 T walnuts, 3 pitted deglet dates. Process till relish consistency.
Lunch: Green salad with red onion, tomato, red cabbage, 1 T pumpkin seeds, 1 cup frozen green peas and two left over salad dressings mixed together: Dilly Ranch and Sweet Mustard. It was very good! Oh yes, and 1 carrot and a little bit of left over banana squash from dinner last night. I was stuffed!
Dinner: Zucchini Chic Pea Scramble.
Onion, garlic, mushrooms, zucchini, chic peas, quinoa, Sesame Parmasan and Kirkland no-salt seasoning.
And 4 small Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies.
Always be Prepared!
Halloween marks the beginning of junk food season and it continues on until the beginning of the year, January 1st, when everyone commits to eating better. If you want to stay committed and strong during these tough times, you must be prepared!
Last week, a department at work brought me and my co-worker a basket of trick or treat chocolates to say "Thank you for all you do." If I'm well fed, I'm not tempted by this in the least. In fact it sat on my counter in my office for the rest of that week without even a nibble. Most of my strength comes from the fact that most all chocolates have soy bean oil in them and I get terrible head aches when I consume concentrated soy in any form. I have been very grateful for this because chocolate is a weakness and this allergy has kept me strong.
Monday rolled around and it was a Monday! I wasn't ready to come back to work and I was having a hard time getting into the grove. I had my usual apple and green smoothie for breakfast, which normally holds me over pretty good, but for some reason by 10 am I was starving! I needed something and the only thing available was that chocolate! How I wished I had some almonds! Finally lunch came around without caving and I was sure that once I had eaten my lunch and fed my body some nutritious foods, my craving would go away. Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to fix a very good salad that morning so it was pretty small and I was left unsatisfied. I decided that if I just ate the top part of the Snickers bar, the part that has the nuts, that would be OK. It wasn't enough. So down went a little pouch of peanut M & M's. It didn't even taste all that great to me but it did solve the problem. And to my surprise no head ache......that day anyway. The next morning as I was driving to work, it started coming on. Not sure why the delay but there was no doubt that it was a soy headache that has the same symptoms every time. Fortunately it only lasted 2 days instead of 3 - 5 which has happened in the past.
In thinking back to the choice I made to consume those forbidden treats, I realize that I wasn't prepared. For whatever reason, my body needed the extra calories that day and I was over powered by my craving. And it wasn't a craving for chocolate necessarily, but nutrients. That is what cravings are. Your body calling for nutrients. If your body is well fed with high nutrient foods, cravings will go away. There will still be temptations, but the uncontrollable cravings will diminish over time.
This experience has reminded me how important it is to be prepared! I need to always have a good high nutrient breakfast. Always fix a good salad the night before if I don't have time in the morning. Always have a good salad dressing available. Always have beans available to put on my salad. They will help keep me full. And lastly, keep a hidden stash of nuts in my drawer at work only for emergencies.
Thursday September 13
Breakfast: 1 peach, a little later smoothie: 2 dates, 2 Tbsp sesame seeds (for my teeth), handful of spinach, 1 very large collard leaf. I was afraid it would be to "green." About 1 1/2 cup mixed berries.
Dinner: Aztec Millet Salad (pictured)
In stead of 3/4 cup dry millet I only cooked 1/2 cup and added a little shredded green cabbage to make up for the missing grain. It was great and I got some cruciferous veggies in for the 3rd time today. I had 2 healthy chocolate peanut butter cookies and a handful of organic red flame grapes for dessert. 7:00 done!
(I love to snack at night, even when I'm full from dinner so I have to set this 7 pm limit. I sleep better and I wake feeling better and more alert.)
Tuesday September 11
Saturday September 1
Breakfast: 1 peach, 1 plumb and a 16 oz green smoothie with spinach.
Dinner: Left over Kale Salad w/ extra tomatoes. Sesame Ginger Kale (I ate the whole pot! YUM!) and left over humus with a few Food For Life sprouted wheat tortilla chips. After my hike, the hike leader passed out peanut butter cookies. I asked her if they were made from scratch and she said that they were. So I took one. (I wont touch the boxed stuff.) I saved it for after dinner tonight. The sugar doesn't seem to both me after a big meal. BTW, I think this was the first white sugar I've had since the first of the year.
Friday August 24
Breakfast: Another Peaches and Greens Smoothie but with cherries instead of blueberries. It looked much better than yesterdays.
Dinner: pictured left - I made a burrito filling of onion, mushrooms, garlic, red bell pepper, zucchini, corn, black beans, spinach, green chili's, and seasonings. I stuffed it into a burrito shell and topped it with guacamole, chopped tomatoes, cabbage and home made salsa.
This was a pretty quick and easy meal and very delicious and nutritious!
Lunch it was my usual salad with Romain, red cabbage, garbanzo beans, red onion, red bell pepper, tomato, bok choy stalk, wild watercress that my husband picked when out 4-wheeling. The dressing was Sweet Mustard Dressing from Whole Food Goodness.

Wednesday August 22
Breakfast - The usual smoothie, 1 plum for later snack
Lunch - Cabbage Slaw and 1 Chic Pea pattie with avocado spread on top.
Dinner - Sesame Ginger Kale w/ Chic Peas. (pictured below) It was a little heavy on the ginger but besides that, I really liked it! This was a GOMBS meal: greens, onions,mushrooms, beans, and seeds. I had a serving of the Summer Quinoa Salad that I made my husband. He is not a ginger fan. A few locally grown grapes for dessert.
Saturday August 4
Breakfast: 1 peach and a green smoothie. The rest of the morning I was picking at my fresh, locally grown purchases from the farmers market and Fries market: peaches and grapes. A few figs later. I'm failing on the week ends at keeping my fruit intake low.
Lunch:Salad Sanora and what my grandson didn't eat of his peanut butter and honey sandwich. I hate to waste anything. Especially when it's so good. This is like dessert for me because I never eat it. Only when there are leftovers like this. BTW, it was sprouted wheat bread, just peanuts peanut better, and local honey.
Dinner: Cajun Burger (this is a work in progress) topped with Zucchini Macaroni and Cheeze (another work in progress - hey, if you can do zucchini spaghetti, why not macaroni?), and a slice of Ezekiel Sprouted Wheat bread with avocado, tomato, and a slice of cabbage and Salad Sanora.
Sunday July 29
Breakfast: 1 peach and usually smoothie later: 1 orange, 1 Tbsp chia seeds, 1/2 walnut, big hand full of spinach, 1 large kale leaf, 1 cup anti-oxidant blend fruit from Costco, 6 or 8 frozen cherries. This ended up being too sweet. I'll leave the cherries out next time.
Lunch: left over Salad Sanora mixed with some romaine lettuce w/ jalapeno dressing, 2 Tbsp left over hummus with a few pieces of Ezekiel tortilla "chips." a few figs.
Dinner: Black Bean Burger, just patty w/ avocado spread on topped with South of the Boarder Slaw. Also, 1 slice Ezekiel 4:9 sprouted wheat sesame bread w/ avocado spread, fresh tomato slices, with just a touch of salt and pepper. A quick and easy simple meal. Oh, yes, and I can't forget the Creamsicle that I had for dessert. I'll be making these in my upcoming class.
Sunday July 22
Breakfast: 1 peach early and then my usual smoothie an hour or so later.
Lunch: Green salad with kidney beans and a few grapes.
Dinner: Chipotle Pattie w/ 1 slice Ezekiel bread w/ avocado spread and vine ripe tomato slices. Stemed broccoli w/ Cashew Seed Cheeze Sauce.
Sunday dinners are pretty laid back at our house. I try to have left overs on hand and it's pretty much a free for all. I offer to heat up what ever I'm having for my husband but he usually just sticks with fruit, popcorn, or bread. But tonight, this is what he had! And it was all his choice and doings. I just clued him in to what veggies were available when I realized that was what he was looking for. When he was done putting it all together, it was so colorful and beautiful that he said "you should take a picture of this." So I did. I was pretty proud of his choices and wanted to share.
Thursday July 5
Breakfast: 10 apricots and a 16 oz smoothie: orange, flax and 1 walnut, spinach, collards, bok choy, berry blend.
Lunch: Green salad: romaine, puple and green cabbage, bok choy stalk sliced, 1/4 yellow bell pepper, tomato, about 1/4 cup sprouted and cooked wheat berries and Dilly Ranch salad dressing (left over from VSU food demo last Tuesday night, and it's still good!) About 1 cup of left over burrito filling (beans and broccoli) from Monday night Mexican dinner. I should have stuck with just the salad today. I'm so sleepy this afternoon!
Wednesday July 4
Breakfast: 20 apricots. Yes, 20! That is too many even though I didn't feel any blood sugar issues. I did some pretty heavy duty cardio for over an hour this morning so I think my body needed the replenishment.
Later a smoothie with 1 orange, 1 cup spinach, 2 collard leaves, 1 bok coy leaf, 1 cup anti-oxidant blend berry mix from Costco and a Tbsp flax seed.
2 pm snack: 2 slices of home made whole wheat bread (I hardly ever eat non sprouted bread but my good friend Paula made it for me for my birthday. Thanks Paula! It was to die for!!) with avocado spread, sliced tomato, and spinach. I have a rule for myself. When I have this heavenly combination of bread, avocado, and tomato, I must include some greens.
Dinner: 2 Chipotle Burgers w/ home grown vine ripe tomatoes and fixings. I had one patty open faced on sprouted Ezekiel bread and 1 with cabbage slaw on top and more tomatoes. I'm learning to love these without bread. Banana/Chocolate/Peanut Butter Ice Cream for dessert and 2 chocolate peanut butter cookies. I made cookies for my hubby to take to work and I have a hard time staying out of them.
I'm done for the night. Off to see fireworks!
Friday June 29
Breakfast: Green smoothie with handfull of spinach, 2 collard leaves, 1 kale leaf, and 1 bok choy leaf, cherries and mixed berries, and flax seeds.
Lunch: Green salad with bell pepper, tomato, onion, Dilly Ranch Dressing and about a cup of left over Quinua Garden Salad from last nights dinner.
Dinner: Black Bean Burger with 1 slice Ezekiel sprouted grain bread, avocado, mustard, onion, a leaf of cabbage instead of a top bun. Steamed broccoli with mashed avocado mixed in (this is to die for!) sprinkled with Sesame Parmasan. 3 healthy pecan cookies.
Tuesday Jan 3
Breakfast: 1 apple 9:30: Cranapple Relish
Lunch: Romain salad w/ red onion, garbanzo beans, a little avocado and 1 Tbsp pumpkin seeds. Greens, onions, beans, and seeds! 4 star combo! Had a little Date Vinegar Dressing on salad.
After work snack: After work, on my way to my grand=sons bday party, I ate an orange that I found in the back seat of my car from the bags I bought yesterday. After the party, I had to stop at 3 stores on the way home for 3 different food items. What is wrong with me??? By the time I got to Real Foods market to buy husbands loaf of bread, I was tired and worn out from too many store stops. So I caved in to a slice of that bread on the way home. This is such a bad habit! (Snacking on groceries on the way home.) Then had a cookie (whole food/no sugar)when I got home. Fixed Vegetable Bean Burriots for dinner and still ate 1.5 of them. THEN had 3 Italian chocolates which I just discovered are 230 calories for just 3 of them! ugh! For that 230 calories of fat and sugar I could have had another Veg Bean Burrito (not that I could have fit any more in) 1/3 cup of nuts, over 2 pounds of greens, or 3 cups of blue berries, all of which are loaded with thousands of micro nutrients critcal to my health! OK, it's January 3rd, Christmas and News Years are over and done with so no more chocolates!
Monday Jan. 2
Breakfast: 1 braeburn apple
11:30: Cranapple Relish, a few almonds.
Noon: Took grandkids hiking up on the Red Hill and took some almonds, oranges, and chocolate nut cookies (no sugar/vegan)Snacked on those items until dinner.
Dinner: Chick Pea Rice and Broccoli Casserole. GOMBS - 5 STAR MEAL! 4 Italian chocolate truffles. I'm still in control!
Sunday Jan. 1
12:30 - 2 braeburn apples and 3 Christmas Nut candies
Snack: 1/2 slice ww bread with avocado spread
Dinner: 2 cups steamed broccoli with avocado/garbanzo dip, butternut squash, 1 slice Ezekiel 4:9 bread, and about 1/2 cup garbanzo beans