Happy New Year! What a great time to recommit to excellent health! Commit to high nutrient plant based meals that will add health to your life. Let Health for Life cooking teach you how.
The menu for January classes will include:
Chick Pea Nood
le Soup
The menu for January classes will include:
Chick Pea Nood
A delicious alternative to traditional Chicken Noodle Soup that is loaded with fiber and micro-nutrients from chick peas and a lot of veggies. It is also gluten free because the noodles are made from zucchini! I'm really excited about his one! The strips of zucchini , when cooked just right, take on a soft texture that make perfect noodles. The broth is flavored with a chicken style seasoning that gives it a chicken noodle soup flavor. It's hot and satisfying on a cold winter night.
One of my favorite dishes as a kid was my grandma's chicken and rice casserole. If you can make chicken noodle soup with chick peas, why couldn't you make chicken and rice casserole with chick peas? Well, you can! I was very excited when this dish came together quite nicely and my husband announced, "I like this stuff!" That's pretty good coming from him without me even asking "What do you think?" With a creamy white sauce that is dairy, soy and gluten free, this dish is at the top of my comfort food list. It's also high in nutrients with GOMBS: greens, onions, mushrooms, beans, and seeds. GOMBS are Dr. Furhmans top 5 super foods. He says that they "fight cancer with every bite!" If you get all of them in one meal, I consider it a 5 star meal.
One of the best ways to get a lot of nutrients from green vegetables into a quick and easy meal is with a green smoothie. In other words, a fruit smoothie that includes green leafy vegetables.Blending greens, as oppose to eating a salad, breaks down the plant fibers so small that you dramatically increase the amount of nutrients that get absorbed into your cells. When I started drinking daily smoothies in 2006, my nails and teeth got stronger, my hair didn't come out as much, and they just tasted and felt so good to me. It felt lke my cells were soaking up thousands of powerful disease protective nutrients. Green smoothies are also a great way to help clean out the holiday gunk!
And there you have it! Health for Life cooking to start the new year. Class dates are Tuesday January 10 and Wednesday January 18. Hope to see you in class!To register, contact April at health4life07@yahoo.com.