This chili is loaded with greens, onions, mushrooms and beans to keep your immune system in top fighting condition to keep you healthy all year long. This chili will be garnished with avocado to increase the absorption of the phyto-nutrients in the vegetables. No meat, dairy, gluten, sugars or extracted oils.
This is not your typical Spanish rice served at authentic Mexican restaurants. Traditional Spanish rice is pretty poor nutritionally. A small amount of tomato adds some antioxidants to the nutrient poor white rice that is normally used. My Spanish rice is loaded guest it......greens, onions, mushrooms, and beans. Top it with a cashew/sunflower seed cheeze sauce, and you've got your GOMBS!
Stuffing this into a whole bell pepper makes a beautiful dish and is a meal in and of itself, but since we are having chili as well, I'll be serving it nestled in half of a red bell pepper.
When I mentioned making some changes to this recipe to my husband he said "I wouldn't change a thing!" My daughter agreed. And she doesn't really like banana cream pie.It contains no processed sugars, extracted oils or dairy. It's sweetened only with dates, which give this pie it's delightful brown hugh. (I'm being sarcastic here with me.) You could cover up the color by adding some cocoa powder for a Chocolate Banana Cream but I think it's perfect as is......brown hugh and all!
And there you have it! Health for Life cooking for March. Class dates are Tuesday March 20th and Wednesday March 28th, 6:00 pm. Hope to see you in class!
Contact April at to register.