Last year, I made a "Holiday Challenge" to stay sugar free throughout the holidays. You can read about that here.
Once again, I'm committing myself and challenging you to be processed sugar free from now until the end of the year.....and beyond! I'll be journaling my menus on my food blog page to help keep me on track. If you would like to join me, here are a few tips to help you to be successful.
1 - Start the day off with a healthy satisfying breakfast. I love a green smoothie chock full of high nutrient greens and fruits like the one on my recipe page. This only takes 4 - 5 minutes to whip up. If you do better with a heartier breakfast, try some oatmeal or other whole grain cereal with nuts, seeds and berries or other fruit.
2 - Plan to have a big green salad for lunch every day. If you have a fat free dressing, make sure to add a few seeds or nuts. Or you can use one of my nut/seed dressing in my cookbook, Whole Food Goodness, or try the Sweet Mustard Vinegar dressing on my recipe page. The fats will help your body to absorb the nutrients from the vegetables in your salad. This is key in making sure that you are satisfied and well fed. Adding beans to your salad will also help keep hunger away and will minimize your desire for sweets.
3 - Always have a healthy high calorie snack in your desk at work, your car, or where ever you may find yourself vulnerable to the temptations around. I like to keep some almonds on hand at work. Make some of my nut candies and cookies that I've demonstrated in my past classes or try the 3 recipes that I've posted on my recipe page. These were all key to my success last year. The natural fats and sugars will satisfy you and keep you out of the forbidden treats. Research shows that people who eat a small amount of nuts and seeds on a regular basis burn 11% more calories at rest then those who do not eat these foods. But don't over do it!
Now that you have 2 good high nutrient meals in, you've set a good foundation for the day. So if you find yourself to tired from the hustle and bustle to cook a good dinner or have a Christmas party/dinner to go to where the food may not be so perfect, give yourself a little slack but be selective. If you do have time to cook.........
4 - Make a big pot of a good satisfying stew (like Butternut & White Bean Stew), or a large casserole like Very Veggies Enchilada Casserole from Whole Food Goodness, or Deep Dish Tortilla Pie which you will find here. These make large quantities and could last you a few days. And they are loaded with only the best ingredients like greens, onions, mushrooms, beans, and seeds. Foods that will boost your immune system making you resistant to colds and flues.....and chocolate!
I really believe, and I have witnessed it for myself and have heard the experiences of others, that if you commit to feeding your body the best high nutrient foods, your desire for the unhealthy foods will diminish and you will feel empowered over the temptations that you will be faced with this holiday season. This is not about deprivation, it's about empowerment and feeling strong, healthy and energetic throughout this busy time of year.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy 2013!
Best of health,